Understanding AWS KMS, Data Keys, and Envelope Encryption

4 min readApr 25, 2023

In today’s cloud computing landscape, safeguarding sensitive information is of utmost importance for organizations. Encryption serves as a critical component in securing data, while effective key management remains crucial for maintaining strong security. As I grew curious about these aspects, I delved into AWS Key Management Service (KMS), which assists users in efficiently managing and securing their cryptographic keys. In this blog post, I am excited to share my learnings with you as we explore the world of KMS, KMS keys, data keys, envelope encryption, and the reasoning behind choosing data keys over KMS keys for data encryption purposes.

Understanding AWS KMS

Amazon Key Management Service (KMS) is a managed service that allows customers to create, store, and manage cryptographic keys used to secure their data. KMS simplifies key management by providing centralized control over the keys used to protect data across AWS services and applications. Some of the key features of KMS include centralized key management, integration with AWS services, secure key storage, custom key stores backed by AWS CloudHSM, and access control and auditing.

KMS Keys and Data Keys

KMS keys, also known as Customer Master Keys (CMKs), are 256-bit keys managed by AWS KMS. They are used to generate, store, and manage encryption keys within the service. These keys are securely stored and never leave KMS unencrypted.

Data keys, on the other hand, are cryptographic keys used to encrypt and decrypt data. These keys can be used in symmetric or asymmetric encryption schemes. Symmetric encryption uses the same key for both encryption and decryption, while asymmetric encryption uses a public-private key pair, with the public key for encryption and the private key for decryption.

Types of Data Protected with Data Keys in AWS

Data keys can be used to protect various types of data across different AWS services. Some examples include:

  1. Amazon S3: Protecting data stored in S3 buckets by enabling server-side encryption with KMS keys (SSE-KMS).
  2. Amazon RDS: Encrypting database instances and snapshots to protect sensitive data.
  3. Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS): Encrypting EBS volumes to secure the data stored on these volumes.
  4. Amazon Redshift: Using data keys to encrypt data stored in a Redshift cluster.
  5. AWS Lambda: Encrypting environment variables and sensitive configuration data for Lambda functions.

Protecting Access to KMS Keys

To protect access to KMS keys, you can use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies. IAM policies define who can access and use the KMS keys and under what conditions. By creating and applying appropriate IAM policies, you can ensure that only authorized users and services have access to the KMS keys.

Additionally, you can use AWS CloudTrail to audit and monitor the usage of KMS keys. CloudTrail records API calls made to the KMS service, enabling you to track and investigate any unauthorized access or suspicious activity.

Envelope Encryption Process

The envelope encryption process involves the following steps:

  1. Generate a data key: Request a new data key from AWS KMS. The KMS service returns the data key in plaintext and its encrypted form, protected by the specified KMS key.
  2. Encrypt data: Use the plaintext data key to encrypt your data locally or within the respective AWS service.
  3. Store encrypted data key: Store the encrypted data key alongside the encrypted data. The plaintext data key should be securely discarded from memory after the encryption is complete.
  4. Decrypt data (when needed): To access the encrypted data, first, send a request to AWS KMS to decrypt the encrypted data key. KMS will use the corresponding KMS key to decrypt the data key and return the plaintext data key.
  5. Decrypt data locally: Use the decrypted plaintext data key to decrypt the actual data locally or within the respective AWS service.
  6. Securely discard the plaintext data key: Once the decryption is complete, securely discard the plaintext data key from memory to minimize the risk of exposure.

Rationale for Using Data Keys Instead of KMS Keys

There are several reasons why using data keys for encryption and KMS keys for protecting the data keys is a better approach:

  1. Key exposure risk: Using data keys reduces the risk of key exposure by keeping KMS keys securely within the KMS service and encrypting the data keys with KMS keys.
  2. Separation of concerns: KMS is designed for key management, not bulk data encryption. Using data keys for encryption and KMS keys for protecting data keys ensures a clear separation of concerns.
  3. Performance: Using KMS keys directly for encryption and decryption can result in performance bottlenecks due to API request latency. Data keys and envelope encryption help mitigate this issue by offloading the bulk encryption and decryption tasks to local systems or AWS services.
  4. Cost: Using KMS keys directly for encrypting large volumes of data can result in a high number of API requests, leading to increased costs.


AWS Key Management Service (KMS) provides a secure and efficient solution for managing cryptographic keys. By understanding the roles of KMS keys, data keys, and envelope encryption, organizations can better protect their sensitive data and maintain robust security practices. Using data keys for encryption and KMS keys for protecting the data keys ensures an optimal balance of security, performance, and cost-effectiveness. With the integration of various AWS services, you can protect a wide range of data types, from S3 objects to EBS volumes and Lambda environment variables. Additionally, AWS IAM policies and CloudTrail auditing help secure access to KMS keys and monitor their usage, ensuring a comprehensive approach to data security in the AWS ecosystem.

